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Paid Parental Leave

Starting or expanding your family is an extremely exciting time and at Feros Care, we are committed to supporting you during pregnancy, adoption, and new parenthood. In fact, we go above and beyond the Australian Government Paid Parental Leave Scheme, offering extra paid parental leave and entitlements.

Mother on hospital bed holding newborn baby and father leaning towards them

Paid parental leave is invaluable for both the primary and secondary carer, as it allows time to bond with your precious baby. It also provides an adjustment period to help you settle into your new way of life, without worrying about work or income.

Paid parental leave benefits for Feros Care employees

Under the current government scheme, eligible full time, part time, and casual employees are entitled to 18 weeks paid parental leave. Eligible Feros Care employees, however, receive an 9 weeks of paid parental leave on top of the government’s allocation, providing a combined total of 27 weeks paid leave. The same applies to partners or secondary carers who are currently eligible for 2 weeks of government funded Dad and Partner Pay. Eligible Feros employees receive another 2 weeks of paid partner leave, bringing their combined total leave allowance to 4 weeks.

Transitioning back to work

Another priority is creating a smooth transition back into the workforce. For example, new parents are encouraged to contact their child’s carer while at work for reassurance that he/she is okay, plus we ensure adequate support is available for breastfeeding and/or expressing. In addition, our management team regularly check in to see how new mums and dads are coping physically, mentally, and emotionally

What’s important to you is important to us so at Feros, family comes first.

Here is what Feros Care employees have to say about paid parental leave

Feros Care’s additional maternity leave entitlement is amazing! I took this extra leave at half pay so that I could stay at home with my baby for 9 months instead of 6. My position was backfilled, plus I was able to work a few hours to keep on top of important stakeholder meetings and project work. They were happy to support my transition back to work with a 3-day working week and within 6 months of this, I won a new position as Assistant Manager. If that’s not empowering women retuning to the workplace after becoming a parent, I don’t know what is!

Carly, mum to Lachie

Receiving the Feros Care maternity leave entitlement was extremely beneficial. I loved that I could access this benefit at half pay, stretching my total paid leave period out to 36 weeks. This enabled me to spend more time with my baby without financial woes. In fact, I’m about to access it again for my second baby and Feros have already commenced the recruitment process for my backfill. Plus my leader and I are already discussing and planning my ‘Keeping in Touch’ plan, so I can feel connected and remain involved in key team and planning activities.

Tash, mum to Sienna & Nate

Mother holding newborn baby and husband with arm around his wife

Feros Story

Extra paid parental leave and entitlements at Feros Care

Starting or expanding your family is an extremely exciting time and at Feros Care, we’re committed to supporting you during pregnancy, adoption, and new parenthood.

Ready to take the next step?

Feros Care is always looking for game changers, culture shapers, dream makers, vibrant creators and kindness champions to join our organisations.

Photo of Feros Care community service worker