Home / Feros Stories / 3 things you didn’t know about changing home care providers

3 things you didn’t know about changing home care providers

Here’s three quick facts that many people may not be aware of when it comes to switching care providers.

  1. Not all providers charge exit fees

    While some providers charge exit fees it is becoming less common. When choosing your new provider be sure to check the charges you incur for starting or ending their services. Feros Care does not charge an entry or exit fee.

  2. There are nearly 200 approved aged care providers in Australia

    As at Nov 2017 there were 198 approved providers home care providers

  3. Making the switch is easy.

    Changing care providers isn’t as complicated as it’s made out to be. We’ve created a short video that explains how to change providers in four simple steps.

    If all of this sounds difficult why not make the most of our offer to take care of the paperwork while you sit back and relax!

  4. Not all providers charge exit fees

    While some providers charge exit fees it is becoming less common. When choosing your new provider be sure to check the charges you incur for starting or ending their services. Feros Care does not charge an entry or exit fee.

    If you do switch to Feros and your prior provider takes an exit fee from your package, Feros will reallocate that exit fee amount back to your package up to $1000. Learn more about our offer today!

We’re proud of the service our care workers provide our clients and recognise the importance of the positive relationships they have. Our staff are all thoroughly trained and security checked which is important for such a personal service. If you are considering changing providers but are worried about leaving your care worker, give us a call to discuss your options.


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