Tips from a pro volunteer
An expert in the trade with experience in teaching, working as a Registered Nurse in aged care, volunteering for the Commonwealth Games, for the church and now for In Great Company, Wendy offers her advice to those new to the role.
What have been your highlights volunteering with us?
“I have met two very interesting ladies, both have led quite remarkable lives, have great stories to tell, which make for wonderful conversation over a cup of tea.”
Do you have any tips for new volunteers?
“Be aware that often those we visit just relish the opportunity to share their experiences, someone who will stop and listen. So, you really don’t need special training. The best qualifications are kindness and a ready smile.”
Why would you encourage others to get involved?
“Some elderly folk can be quite lonely, even in residential care. So, a friendly face and someone who cares can make a big difference to their week. The appreciation they express often means we receive more than what
we give.”
Wendy often visits Catherine, but during the height of the pandemic, decided to call her regularly instead. Whilst apart, Wendy made her a card, and in it she composed and wrote a beautiful little verse:
“Sometimes the road we travel is rough and spiked with pain;
Sometimes we get discouraged and wonder if it’s all in vain.
But if you look about you, I’m sure that you will find
That others also travel with burdens hard to bear
And they need to know, as you do,
That there are those who care.”
They are pictured together above, before a nice morning shopping in Murwillumbah.