The road of recovery

The road of recovery

This piece, to me, describes the many internal symptoms of dealing with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD/EUPD) quiet subtype and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). Feeling like there is constantly two sides to me fighting against each other and being...
The here and now

The here and now

This picture represents about the here and now and the five senses and about knowing your sight and not flipping your lid. I’m being very mindful each day.


I am a recovered alcoholic and painted this as a way of trying to show what it’s like to break free of the bottle and move on in life. To give it texture I have used a real cork at the top of the bottle, a dolls hand on the figure breaking out of the bottle...
Grief lives here

Grief lives here

I have suffered from complex PTSD and grief for ten years now, triggered by a severe sexual assault and domestic violence, and also the loss of two of my children, taken by the abuser. There isnt a day goes by that I am not affected by the trauma of this horrible time...
Mum and me

Mum and me

Wow! What a journey this competition has taken me on! I’m most grateful. And please consider holding the competition again next year 🙂 Here’s my final entry. I’ve tried to capture the sadness in her eyes. It must run in families. Mum used to be an artist. I’ve only...