Your safety is our priority
When letting people into your home, we understand the importance of your personal safety. This is why all Feros Care staff must pass strict security checks, must always wear their Feros Care name badge and are trained on how to access your home securely and safely.
Trusted by seniors for over 30 years
Thousands of Australians trust us to help them every day, and we have been doing so for over 30 years. We don’t mean to toot our own horn, but we receive regular feedback about how wonderful our carers are, our innovative programs, and the support we provide to help people remain independent.
Qualified and compassionate carers
For you and your loved ones, qualified and compassionate care is everything. It’s everything for us too. We’ll match you with the right carer to support your needs and preferences. Our qualified carers are part of our team because they love working with seniors and see it as a privilege to do so.
Local carers
It’s important to us that we support your community. That’s why we employ local, qualified, and compassionate carers that are a part of your local community.
People before profit
We’re not in it for the money. As a government-approved provider of in-home and residential care, and a registered charity, any profits go toward making our customers’ lives even better.
We’re here to listen & help
Whether you have questions or feedback, we are here to listen and to help you. Call us on 1300 090 256 or fill out the form and we’ll call you back.