Getting the word out in the CALD Community – NDIS information and support videos
From working with various culturally and linguistically diverse community organisations in Adelaide, we understood that there was a crucial opportunity to share more information about the NDIS and the role of local area coordinators.
Although the NDIS provides translated written information, the project marks a visual first for those from diverse backgrounds – as community leaders tell us that not all members have had the privilege of schooling and learning to read.
We filmed videos in 15 languages through the help of seven multi-lingual Feros Care local area coordinators (LACs), and CAASSA case workers, who provided voiceovers and translation support.
The videos focus on the facts of what the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) offers, while debunking myths and misconceptions by circulating information in communities’ first languages.
With the aim of increasing access to the NDIS in the CALD community, the videos ask questions such as ‘who’s your local area coordinator’? and go on to explain the process of pre-planning meetings and how LACs support people in connecting with services and their community.
The languages are Vietnamese, Portuguese, Croatian, French, Zande, South Sudanese, Nepali, Kirundi, Arabic, Creole, Hindi, Punjabi, Bahasa Indonesian, Shona, and English.
Zande | Who is your NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
Mu bi gaani saka apai tipa NDIS rogo pa Zande
Croatian | Who is your NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
Pogledajte naš NDIS informativni video na hrvatsko
Vietnamese | Who is your NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
Watch our NDIS information video in Vietnamese
South Sudanese | Who is your NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
Ainu mahlumat ta NDIS bi rutan ta Arabic fi video de
Bahasa Indonesian | Who is your NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
Watch our NDIS information video in Bahasa Indonesian
Nepali | Who is your NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
Watch our NDIS information video in Nepali
Shona | Who is your NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
Watch our NDIS information video in Shona
Creole | Who is your NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
Fabul dem, dis na we NDIS video na Creole
Arabic | Who is your NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
شاهد معلومات عن برنامج تأمين الإعاقة الوطني باللغة العربية
Punjabi | Who is your NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
Watch our NDIS information video in Punjabi
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