Having a Home Forum

Options for your future

Having a Home Forum

At Feros Care, we recognise just how important it is for people with disability to understand the choices available to them, enabling them to make informed decisions about their individual circumstances.

Our Local Area Coordinators in the ACT created a series of four virtual workshops through the ‘Having a Home’ forum, designed to upskill carers and participants by igniting their thinking about living options. 

Taking an interactive approach, the series of four workshops clearly presented all the living options available and supplemented this with live conversations with guests who had been through the process. There was also an online group available for people to ask further questions in a safe and welcoming space. 

The forum successfully engaged and raised conversations in the local ACT community for the first time about Individualised Living Options. It enabled carers and participants to consider and understand the difference between tailoring a living option to suit individual need and then seeking relevant supports from providers versus choosing a model such as Supported Independent Living.