Isaac Job Fair

Our Isaac Job Fair was created after Feros Care Local Area Coordinators recognised a lack of employment opportunities for people with disability in the Isaac region, particularly in the remote and rural parts of the region.

Many LACs reported that they had NDIS participants who would normally have benefited from employment goals in their plans; but due to lack of on-the-job support services in Isaac, these goals were simply unrealistic. 

Something had to change. We collaborated with local Disability Employment Service (DES) providers to find solutions to support people in the community, and worked with local employers who soon understood the mutual benefits of hiring people with a disability.

Everything came together at the Job Fair, with more than 100 regional jobseekers of all abilities taking the opportunity to connect with major national and local employers. Six jobs were filled immediately after the fair. 

We’re happy to have influenced long-standing accessibility across companies such as BMA, who worked hard to understand how to make employment sustainable for those who may need extra support on the job; and we look forward to continuing our work in making workplaces more inclusive with future job fairs. 

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