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Technology News

Technology can make life easier, safer, and better in the long run. It can keep you living at home longer and help you regain independence again. Read on for our technology articles, industry insights, success stories, and find out how technology can and does help people every day!
Smiling female senior in pink jumper sitting down

Alice’s* personal alarm and falls detector continue to bring her – and her loved ones – peace of mind Most of us would agree that when it comes to our…

There are plenty of scams out there aiming to access your personal information and older Australians – with retirement funds, life savings, and legacies for family and charities – are…

Today, many seniors own smartphones or tablets, and the apps they use have plenty of benefits: from helping to maintain social connections to tracking health and wellness, sharpening the mind,…

Carer stress is real and caring for someone is hard work. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and isolated. If you feel like you are about to explode, take…

Like many in her age-group, the lovely Joan, a vibrant 92-year-old Feros Care client, was targeted by a remote deposit capture scam while purchasing a mobile phone. This unfortunate incident…

The significance of fostering social connections as a way to boost our health and wellbeing is becoming increasingly recognised around the world. In fact, some policymakers are including community connectedness…

With the help of Feros Care’s Smart Home Modifications service, Eunice overcame her fear of technology and has become more independent and content in her life at home. Eunice is…

Jean suffers from impaired vision, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be independent. With the help of a Google Smart Home device, she has overcome many challenges. Life took an…