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What to Expect – ACAT Team Visits

First up, let’s get to the bottom of what an Aged Care Assessment Team or “ACAT team” is. (If you’re in Victoria, this team is called ACAS.)

Aged Care Assessment Teams are a group of specialised health professionals, including a nurse, a physiotherapist and/or an occupational therapist and could also include a social worker. The Government’s My Aged Care will request them to assess whether
you are eligible for funding and which level of care you qualify for.

Assessments are booked through the Government’s My Aged Care. A referral to My Aged Care can be put in by Feros Care, your GP or you can go directly to them.

It can take up to 6 weeks to get assessed. However, in an emergency, it is possible to get an assessment in as little as 48 hours.

In most cases, the ACAT team will visit you at home but the assessment can take place in a hospital or a rehabilitation centre if that’s where you are. When they visit, their goal is to work out how much help is needed in your particular situation.
They look at things like: 

  • Your health and medical needs
  • Your physical needs
  • Your psychological needs
  • Your social needs
  • Special needs that are important to you and your lifestyle.

The assessment is free and usually takes around an hour.  

You may feel anxious at the idea of ‘getting assessed’ but the team is simply there to find out which types of care and services will help you best. You can even have a friend
or relative with you and don’t worry, you don’t need to make any decisions at the time.

After the assessment it takes around two weeks for you to receive a letter with your outcome. 

If you need help give our aged care hotline a call on 1300 090 256. We can answer any questions you might have and can help organise services once you’ve been assessed.