Navigating the world of aged care can be daunting. You might asking yourself, where do I start? How does it all work? How much will it cost? Who can I talk to about my situation?
To help answer your questions we’ve got a range of aged care resources such as calculators, guides and FAQs. If you’re doing some research for yourself or a loved one we hope these tools help you. Don’t forget to reach out if you have any questions. It can be confusing working through the jargon and processes so our team of aged care experts are here to make it simple.
You can contact the Feros Care team on 1300 090 256. We’re more than happy to point you in the right direction.

Medication Management Information Sheet Preventing Falls Information Sheet Skin & Wound Management Information Sheet…

Taking the first step to getting support in your home is often the hardest. The process can appear a little confusing. But it’s definitely worth your effort! You’ll be rewarded…

Bereavement Guide We are sorry to hear that you’ve lost someone that was very close to you. The passing of a loved one is never easy, and dealing with grief…

The My Health Record system (previously known as a Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) or eHealth record) is the Australian government’s digital health record system. It contains My Health…

When you’re navigating the world of aged care for the first time it can help to ask for directions. We’ve put together a list of helpful links that can assist…

1Introduction 2Enter Your Postcode 3Select a Home Care Package 4Are You a Pensioner? 5Select Your Services 6Download Results Welcome to our Home Care Package Estimator The best way to understand…

We know aged care can be confusing… That’s why our aged care experts are here to help you navigate the process, and make things easier to understand. Our team will…