First Nations Workshops

Come have a yarn about the social and emotional wellbeing of First Nations Peoples.

Elements from an artowrk by Aboriginal artists. It is on a navy blue background. There are 3 green circles set along a river with footprints walking on the river.

Come have a yarn

As NDIS partners in the community, we work toward inclusive communities for all, and we are privileged to support better understanding of social and emotional wellbeing for First Nations Peoples.

We’re please to be working with Aunty Dorothy Savage and Alfred Henaway again, and offer these workshops to the community.


Together we will:

• Understand the landscape for First Nations Peoples in our region
• Uncover ways to best support social and emotional wellbeing for First Nations Peoples in our region
• Work collaboratively to create a more inclusive community
• Advocate for appropriate services in our region
• Integrate knowledge into Workplace Policies, Procedures and Practices

Everyone Welcome

• First Nations mob who want to learn more about how trauma impacts their community and families
• Community members wanting to understand how to support First Nations community members
• Community organisations wanting to implement inclusive practices and/or Reconciliation Action Plans


One day workshop on Wednesday 12 February OR Thursday 13 February

Palmerston Community Centre – 1 Tiptree Crescent, Palmerston ACT 9am – 4.30pm

Your Facilitators


Aunty Dorothy Savage

Bindal Community Elder and Traditional Owner.

Aunty Dorothy heads up the James Cook University Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Skills and Frameworks for Practice subject. Aunty Dorothy is a much loved and respected woman with a wealth of knowledge to share.


Alfred Henaway

Proud Bindal man.

Alfred is Senior Cultural Capabilities Officer in the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs. He too has a wealth of knowledge to impart.




Artwork Elements by Shanti Kelly-Torrens and Mariah Roberts.
An image of a First Nations woman and man. They are smiling at the camera.