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Safe relationships for people with disability

The Local Area Coordination team in South Australia have identified a need for easily accessible training for people with disability to help them create and maintain safe and happy relationships, including sexual relationships.

Working with City of Playford the course was piloted in March 2023 and covered a range of topics, including:

  • Informed consent
  • Sexual health and safety
  • Emotions
  • Safe behaviours
  • Disability and the LGBTQIA+SB community

and lots more.

The team created and delivered the program with the help of experts in the field. Guest presenters included Drag Queen Princess Laya and Drag King Justin Thyme, who talked about gender identity and the LGBTQIA+SB community.

The Feros Care team have provided the resources to City of Playford who intend to run the program again.

You can reach out to Cyndi at the City of Playford on 08 8256 0598 to register your interest.


Each participant in the group was surveyed and 100% reported that they had learned something new, with an increase in knowledge around safe sex and relationships.

Two of the attendees have begun a relationship, and a number are now attending the City of Playford disco, which they’ve not felt comfortable to do previously.

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