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How Can I Get an ACAT Assessment? – FAQs | Feros Care

You can organise an ACAT assessment through your GP, hospital, or by calling My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.

My Aged Care will ask you questions about your current needs and circumstances, take your details and send them through to an ACAT assessor (known as an Aged Care Assessment Team).

The ACAT assessor will then schedule a time to visit you at your home (or if you’re in hospital), to talk about how you’re managing and if you need some assistance.

ACAT assessors are usually nurses, social workers or health care workers, so they have a wealth of experience and are very understanding. The aged care assessment is free, usually takes around an hour and you can have a friend, relative or carer with
you during the visit.

Read our guide to learn more about what to expect when an ACAT team visits. You can also call our aged care hotline on 1300 090 256for advice and information on arranging an ACAT assessment.