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How do I use the myplace participant portal?

The NDIS participant portal is called myplace.

It is a secure website portal on the Australian Government’s myGov website where you or a person you trust (a nominee or child representative) can access your NDIS plan information.

You will need a myGov account to sign in to myplace. If you already have a myGov account for other government services such as Medicare, the Australian Tax Office or Centrelink, you can use the same myGov account for the NDIS. Visit my.gov.au to find out how to create your myGov account.

You will be given an activation code to use the first time you access that myplace portal. It is important that you access myplace as soon as possible after you receive your activation code, as the code will expire within 10 days.

If you need an activation code, or your activation code has expired, you can get one by calling the NDIA on 1800 800 110 or contacting you ECEI Coordinator or LAC. Your Feros Care LAC can be contacted on 1300 986 970.