Home / Feros Stories / How Joshua achieved his goal of part-time employment

How Joshua achieved his goal of part-time employment

For Joshua, a young man with Level 3 autism spectrum disorder, an intellectual disability, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, finding meaningful work wasn’t easy. But with determination and the right support, he’s made his dream of working come true, and built a routine that fills him with pride and independence. 

When setting his goals with his local area coordinator Emily, Joshua was clear – he wanted to work! 

His mum explains just how important this has been for him. 

“Joshua has seen his father and his brother go to work so for him the natural progression is for him to go to work also, and we are so proud of what he’s achieved.”

“Even though he can’t read or write, he’s found a job he enjoys and is doing incredibly well.”

Today, Joshua works three days a week preparing and delivering shopping catalogues around Mackay. This structured role, which includes sorting and rolling the catalogues with his support worker before heading out for delivery, is perfectly suited to his strengths.  His dedication is evident by the impressive 26 kilometres he clocks up each week as part of his job. 

young man sorting pamphlets on table

When Joshua first started, he only worked one day a week. But as his confidence grew, so did his work hours, eventually expanding to 20 hours over three days. His dad even built him a custom metal trolley, after the plastic ones couldn’t handle the demands of his delivery route. The trolley has been a game-changer, making it easier for Joshua to manage his deliveries. 

young man in hat putting pamphlets into  delivery trolley

“Joshua’s progress is incredible,” his mum shares. “His job has given him a new sense of purpose, and we’ve seen how much it’s boosted his confidence. Without this opportunity, he wouldn’t have the same level of independence.”

Joshua’s successful employment shows what can be achieved when people with disability are supported to go after their goals.  

“As his LAC it’s great to be able to see how Josh has been able to utilise his NDIS supports to be able to meet his goal of being able to work,” says Emily. 

“For Joshua, each day brings the chance to build new skills, stay active, and gain more confidence. His job has been a key part of his journey toward independence and personal growth.” 

Feros Care is proud to partner with the NDIS, offering local area coordination services that help people with disability live healthy, connected, and fulfilling lives. This service is free, so if you want to learn how a local area coordinator can support you, click here.