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Social Prescribing - What it is and how it works

A proven, non-clinical prevention and early intervention approach to combatting the mental and physical effects of loneliness and poor ‘social health’.

What if we started seeing the whole person and what matters to them – not just the symptoms?

At Feros Care, we’re experts in what’s often referred to as the ‘social prescribing’ approach. We’ve been asking ‘what matters TO you?’ rather than ‘what’s the matter WITH you?’ for over 30 years. By looking at every aspect of a person’s life, we help them develop and live bold, healthy connected lives.

Our customers are aged between 7 and 102 years old, making us industry leaders in linking people of all ages and walks of life to the things that matter most to them – and ensuring overall health and well-being on all levels.


At every age, each one of us has unique ‘social’ needs that underpin our health and wellbeing. When socially unfulfilled, we often become unwell; research shows that loneliness and isolation lead to anxiety, depression and chronic disease, and can be as bad for you as smoking 15 cigarettes a day 1.

Social Prescribing is a global movement – a proven, non-clinical prevention and early intervention approach to combatting the mental and physical effects of loneliness and poor ‘social health’. We address the root cause of ill health caused by poor social connections, rather than treating the symptoms. This helps people understand their individual social needs and connect with the things that matter to them, to return to good health.

Wellness Model Of Care

Our Wellness Model Of Care was established two decades ago, bringing together the ‘social determinants’ that underpin and support our health into eight areas of wellbeing. Across every area of care, we help people understand what’s important to them in each area; then we set and work with them to achieve their social goals.

Find out more about our model of care

Wellness Model of Care covers wellbeing across physical, social, spiritual, environmental, financial, occupational, emotional and intellectual health.

The Feros Care Social Prescribing Experience

Across all our services, regardless of age or background, we support people to create a social plan. We also engage directly with communities to build capacity and encourage people to live a fully connected life.

For an individual, this might include re-introducing social activities, hobbies and interests, learning new skills, volunteering and physical activities – whatever it takes to make the person feel connected and purposeful. Support is provided at every step.

Did you know?

Social connections are the greatest protector against mortality. But as individuals, we rank them the least important.

Social prescribing can reduce chronic disease, depression and suicidal behaviour, reliance on medication and substance abuse.

Social prescribing has been proven to improve social confidence, physical and mental wellbeing, sense of purpose and health self management.

Check out our social programs

Here are just some of the programs we offer to help people to reconnect with life.

In Great Company

An aged care volunteer program aimed at connecting those who need help and those who are eager to help.

Virtual Social Centre

Meet people online, stay connected, and have new experiences, all from the comfort of your home.

Employment & education resources

Supporting people toward their personal goals

Housing & homelessness projects

Let’s Get Technical

Face-to-face training sessions where we identify your goals and deliver flexible training sessions on all things technology.

Ask Gran Not Google

Encouraging intergenerational connections that value the wisdom and knowledge of seniors and views them as unique, diverse individuals.