Home / FAQ / Residential Aged Care / How Long Does It Take to Get Assessed?

How Long Does It Take to Get Assessed?

Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) assessments are usually done within a couple of weeks of when you or your doctor first request an aged care assessment. In an emergency, it is possible to get assessed in as little as 48 hours. Your ACAT assessment is free and will usually take around an hour.

When you speak with My Aged Care, ask them to confirm a date for your assessment.

If you are concerned about when your aged care assessment is happening, be sure to phone My Aged Care to find out when they expect someone to call you.

Check out our guide to ACAT assessments to learn more about what an assessment involves, which health and wellbeing professionals are involved, and who you can have with you during your assessment.

If you need advice, call our aged care hotline on 1300 090 256.