The best way to understand our Home Care Package pricing is to see it in action by using our Home Care Package calculator.
This calculator helps you find more value in your Home Care Package by letting you build a personalised plan based on your budget and the services that matter most to you.
Simply choose the services you want, or need, and take control of your future. Not sure what type of package you’re after just yet? Not to worry. Our calculator lets you add and remove all services until you’re ready to make your final decision.
You can add different services to get an idea of how many hours of services you might be able to include in your package and whether you need to contribute anything. You can add different services to get an idea of how many hours of services you might be able to include in your package and whether you need to contribute anything.
Note: This calculator includes case management and package management fees to give you the best representation of hours you'll receive.