Home / FAQ / Home Care Packages / How much do I have to pay towards my Home Care Package?

How much do I have to pay towards my Home Care Package?

The Government covers most of the cost of care but depending on your income and financial situation you be asked to contribute towards the cost of delivering your services. There are two types on contributions.

Basic Daily Fee The government recommends we charge a fee equivalent to a maximum of 17.5% of the single aged pension for a person on a Level 4 Package. The maximum for other packages is 15.68% for Level 1, 16.58% for Level 2 and 17.05% for Level 3. However, this is completely negotiable and many clients at Feros Care pay minimal daily fees – or no daily fee – depending on their financial situation.

Income-tested Care Fee There is a second fee that may be levied by the government called an Income-Tested Care Fee, determined by the DHS. If you are a part-pensioner or self-funded retiree then yes, the government may charge you an income tested fee. This can range between $15.12 and $30.25 a day.