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What Are Means-Tested Care Fees?

There are a number of costs associated with residential aged care. If it is determined from the outcome of your aged care assets test that you have sufficient income and assets to pay for your residential aged care, you’ll pay a Means-Tested Care
Fee (MTCF). This is a government assessed ‘co-payment’ towards the cost of your care that is different for everyone and not everyone will have to pay it.

This aged care means-tested fee is in addition to your daily care fee and changes with indexation. As such it can change over time. 

If you are looking at entering a residential aged care facility and would like to know more about the Means-Tested Care Fee (MTCF) or when to complete an aged care assets test, please contact Feros Care on 1300 090 256 and one of our Care Guides will
assist you.