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What is a Local Area Coordinator (LAC)?

Feros Care has partnered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to help people with disability live healthy, fulfilling and connected lives. A local area coordinator (LAC) will work with you to understand what is important to you and connect you to the services that will support you to live the life you want. Your support services are tailored to meet your goals and improve your overall wellbeing.

The role of an LAC is to support people with disability aged between 9 and 64, their family and carers to understand the NDIS. The work of an LAC is based on four key principles:

  1. Supporting people with disability to be active citizens in their community

  2. Empowering individuals and their families to identify their needs and establish their goals

  3. Connecting people with disability to the supports they need by providing timely and active information

  4. Empowering people with disability and their support network to have choice and control over the supports and services they choose to connect with and use.

To learn more about the role of LACs download our LAC information brochure.

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