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What’s a RAD?

In aged care, the ‘RAD’ is a Refundable Accommodation Deposit. This is a lump sum payment that you make towards your Residential Aged Care Accommodation Payment.
This is different from a Refundable Accommodation Contribution (RAC), which is also a lump sum payment towards your Accommodation Payment, but the Government helps with the costs.
It’s important to note that RADs are exempt from Services Australia (Centrelink) or DVA Pension Assets Test. What’s more, Daily Payments calculated on the total Accommodation Payment are payable from date of entry on any part of the Accommodation
Payment that has not been paid as a RAD. RADs are included in the Means-Tested Care Fee asset test.
If you need help making sense of RADs, RACs and your Accommodation Payment options, please contact Feros Care on 1300 090 256 and one of our Care Guides can assist you.
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