Home / Feros Stories / 03 May 2023 Update statement – Feros Care Byron Bay closure

03 May 2023 Update statement – Feros Care Byron Bay closure

Q: What aspect of the federal government’s new requirements is Feros unable to meet? Why isn’t Feros able to meet these requirements?

A. The home was built 33 years ago as a low care hostel and cannot meet the current requirements. Feros Care has therefore made the responsible decision to close the facility.

Feros Care has no option but to close Feros Village Byron Bay because it cannot meet the higher Government requirements for residential aged care.

Underpinning the decision to close Feros Village Byron Bay are the requirements outlined in the Aged Care Act, the Aged Care Standards, the User Rights Principles and the Quality-of-Care Principles which are all relevant and significant pieces of legislation that set out the conditions for operating government funded residential aged care.

For example, the Aged Care Act is clear that a residential aged care provider must provide ageing in place and this is not feasible at Feros Village Byron Bay. Ageing in Place relates to the legislated requirements within the Act at 56 –1 (f) (m) and is further explained in the User Rights Principles Part 2 Division 1 (5) and the Quality-of-Care Principles Part 2-section 7 including Schedule 1. Currently Feros Village Byron Bay does not meet the requirement of ageing in place as set out in the legislation outlined.

In the best interests of safe and quality care for our current residents, Feros Care has made the responsible decision to close the facility operating as residential aged care.

Feros Care is the Crown Land Manager for the site and its reserve purpose is for “homes for the aged”. Any redevelopment of this site will be for affordable seniors’ accommodation, which is undeniably a much-needed community asset – which allows for seniors to live independently whilst integrated within the community.

Q. A family and resident group claims residents have been pressured and bullied to leave since the announcement – what is Feros’ response?

A. The claim that residents have been bullied or pressured is not true as evidenced by the ACQSC very recent report.

The industry regulator, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission conducted an Assessment to monitor continuity of care during the closure process on 18 April 2023. Auditors met with residents, a representative, volunteers, the onsite medical officer and staff.

Their findings were that overall consumers reported positive feedback about the care and services they receive and the conduct and competence of the staff. The Assessment Team did not identify any concerns in relation to the delivery of care or staffing at the service.

All consumers reported that they were being provided with safe and effective care that was individualised and that there were plenty of staff around all the time and that they get what they need when they need it.

Q. What will happen to residents who can’t find another place?

A: Feros Village Byron Bay will remain open until all residents have been supported to find suitable accommodation. Currently there are ample residential aged care places available in the region.

Q. What will happen to the site after it is closed?

A. In the near future Feros Care will engage with the community on its plans to rebuild affordable and much needed seniors’ accommodation in Byron Bay.


Media Contact: Luke Roberts, Cape Public Relations Pty Ltd – 0422855930[email protected]

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