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The MyFeros Portal reaches over 2,000 clients!

Feros Care is celebrating a milestone with the MyFeros Portal, technology allowing seniors to easily manage crucial aspects of their in-home care, now boasting over 2000 clients.

MyFeros Portal Reaches over 2000 users

Continually evolving and improving, we see more and more clients joining the platform every day and enjoying its multitude of benefits.

Feros Care Chief Information Officer Nigel Rennie says the Portal’s primary purpose is to help seniors remain independent and stay living in their homes for as long as possible.

“We understand the importance of enabling our seniors to maintain control of their lives and MyFeros is a great tool for this,” he said.

“It means they don’t have to rely on friends and family as much. It also keeps them connected to Feros Care staff and carers, saves time, and provides peace of mind knowing the ‘who, what and when’ of their Home Care Package services.”

“We’re all about innovation and technology at Feros, as it is crucial to optimising our delivery of care. We make our service-related technology simple, seamless and above all, user-friendly. There is overwhelming client feedback endorsing The Portal, confirming it is extremely easy to navigate regardless of the user’s tech capabilities.”

Port Macquarie senior, Barbara Barrett, has been using the MyFeros Portal since its inception to manage her appointments, check schedules, compare statements and lodge reimbursements. Her government-funded Home Care Package includes physiotherapy, massage and podiatry, as well as help with shopping, gardening and housework.

She says the technology saves her time and makes managing her in-home care ‘enjoyable’.

“I’m not very technologically capable, but the Portal is so easy, there’s nothing complicated about it,” she said.

“When I was first approached by Feros Care to join the platform I was concerned about how I would cope, but it’s amazing and I’d never go back to the old way of making telephone calls.”

“I no longer have to spend time on hold and my questions can be answered quickly – it’s just a marvellous system.”

“I also love that I can make adjustments to my schedule so easily, check who’s coming, and even look back at old statements. It’s very comprehensive. I can’t praise it enough.”

For Mrs. Barrett, the Portal is not only convenient, it’s fun.

“I enjoy it actually,” she said.

“I’ve started putting little smiley faces or flowers on my messages. The Feros team picked that up and have included some of their own smiley faces and symbols, so we make a bit of fun out of it.”

Mrs. Barrett says she recommends Feros Care to her friends who have also been happy with the service.

“One particular friend of mine was choosing which provider to use for her Home Care Package and she decided to go with Feros Care after I told her about the Portal, and she is also amazed at the ease of it,” she said.

“I would say to anyone, give it a try.”

“You can always go back to making phone calls if you can’t cope but once you start, Feros Care makes it so easy for you.”

Click here to learn more or register for a MyFeros account or call our friendly team on 1300 461 461.

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