Jan explains how Feros Care Social Groups are spreading smiles and creating connections for seniors
We all need social interaction, especially with like-minded people at a similar stage of life who can relate to where we are, where we’ve been, and what makes us tick. It’s essential for our emotional and mental well-being but as time marches on, it can become harder to get out and about to meet new friends, see old friends, and do what we enjoy.
That’s why Feros Care has relaunched our popular Social Groups, making it easy for people of all ages to experience a day of fun, connection, and discovery with a qualified Community Support Worker.
Feros Care team member and program advocate Jan has had the pleasure of accompanying several participants on a variety of social group adventures. She’s seen first-hand the joy and multitude of well-being benefits these outings have for seniors, and has many heartwarming stories to share.
Find your fun!
Besides bringing people together, Jan says Feros Care Social Groups allow seniors to see or do something different and immerse themselves in a vibrant community experience.
“They give people something to look forward to. They’re safe and there’s something fun for everyone,” she says.
“We might go to a gallery, have a picnic at the creek, head to a local attraction, listen to a guest speaker to learn something new, or help with a special cause.”
“We recently made Christmas cards for other seniors as part of the Feros Care More the Merrier campaign and on that group outing, everyone was asked to bring a photograph they could tell a story about. It was fabulous as it got the group talking, reminiscing, and learning about each other.”
“Even those who are a little shy come out of their shell during our outings and feel that all-important sense of belonging.”
Chatter and laughter: the two common denominators!
Jan smiles as she describes the vibe during social group outings.
“Everybody gets on. They’re like schoolgirls meeting new friends, exchanging email addresses, and texting each other recipes. And men are more than welcome too”, she laughs. “There’s so much for them to enjoy too.”
“Seeing the participants’ faces light up, connections form, and their confidence around each other grow – it’s wonderful.”
In addition to a great day out and lots of giggles, there seems to be another commonality when a Feros Care Social Group gets together.
“There’s usually tea and scones involved,” laughs Jan. “You can never go wrong when they’re part of the program.”
“Don’t be afraid to give it a go”
Jan mentions that some people are apprehensive about joining a Feros Care Social Group (or for a loved one to join), thinking certain health conditions may be a barrier.
As clients are always supported by a highly trained and qualified Community Support Worker, she emphasises that participants’ health and safety are always the priority.
In particular, some feel that the groups wouldn’t be ideal for a senior family member diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s, as they may not remember it.
Jan’s response to this was immediate and hit the nail right on the head: “But they LOVE it when they are there!”
She recalls one Social Group outing to a community agricultural day where a quilter was speaking to the group about her craft.
“There was a participant living with dementia – but did she know her way around a stitch! She spoke passionately about all the different types of stitches, and it was lovely to see her come to life like that.”
What’s coming up, and how you or your loved one/s can get involved
Curious to find out more and check out which outings are scheduled in your area?
Click here for details about how to sign up, answers to frequently asked questions, and to see what our clients are saying about Feros Care Social Groups!
Or, find a local event near you on the Feros Care Social Groups Calendar.