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Why everyone needs a Liam

Liam’s life is an exciting adventure of imagination, creativity and visual expression. Living with autism and an intellectual disability, he has turned his love for writing and illustrating science fiction and fantasy novels into an exciting success story, with some side-kick support from Feros Care and the NDIS. 

From his earliest years, Liam found his own unique ways to communicate and connect with the world around him. While he faced challenges in speaking and building friendships, he discovered a powerful outlet in comics and novels. His journey into the world of storytelling and illustration became more than just a hobby, transforming into a vibrant career path. Liam’s transition from simple comics to intricate sci-fi novels is a story of evolution and determination in itself. With his mum’s help in editing spelling and grammar only, he began to weave intricate tales, bringing to life fantastical worlds and characters that resonated with readers of this genre.  

Introducing the sidekicks 

Liam’s progress and achievements have been supported by a tailored team, over many years, made possible by his NDIS plan, each contributing in unique ways to his well-being and success. In the past few years Liam has engaged in a psychology program focusing on cognitive development, which helps enhance his thinking skills. While his current occupational therapy sessions are all about strengthening his decision-making and problem-solving in the hope that he will not need Guardianship in the future. 

“This will be a major development for Liam,” says his proud mum Jenny, talking to the empowerment independent living would bring him. 

2022 was a landmark year for Liam, marked by the launch of his business, “Everyone Needs a Liam.” This venture showcased his science fiction and fantasy novels, each brimming with humour and his personal cover illustrations. His unique merchandise, including affirmation cards and t-shirts featuring his novel’s characters, quickly gained popularity at various markets and conventions, including Supanova Comic-Con Sydney and Oz Comic-Con. These events became platforms for Liam to shine, allowing him to connect with fans and fellow enthusiasts, and further solidify his place in the science fiction and fantasy novel community. 

“Liam operates on the same basis as any other sole trader and his stalls are booked and run just the same as any other stall holders,” explains Jenny. 

When asked how he got into writing Liam explains, “It’s just part of my DNA. I couldn’t read until I was about 15, but once I could, I couldn’t stop. Then I couldn’t stop writing. I love the escapism. At the moment I have about ten more stories in draft, waiting for their finishing touches.” Liam is inspired by cartoons, movies and things that happen in his life. His novels are colourful and include the way he observes people through an autistic lens.   



The Old Bus Depot Markets, Canberra


Liam also receives invaluable guidance from a cartooning mentor, provided through his NDIS plan. Additionally, a voice coach works with him to improve his speech clarity and assists him in preparing for his public speaking engagements, enabling him to share his stories effectively. 

Looking to the future, there are plans for a community worker to support Liam at market stalls, a role his mum currently plays. This support will increase his independence and build capacity through business mentoring.  

The recognition of Liam’s hard work and creativity extends beyond these events and conventions. He’s garnered multiple grants and accolades, notably securing funds to adapt his novels for screen readers and to include Auslan interpreters at his 2024 Adelaide Fringe Festival appearances. This initiative not only enhances accessibility but also amplifies his engagement with his diverse audience. With the support of ArtsACT and the ACT Government, Liam will also showcase his ‘Librarian Saga’ series and ‘Shifting Dimensions’ novel at both the Adelaide Fringe and Brisbane’s Oz Comic-Con in September 2024.   


Liam at the ACT Mental Health Month Awards receiving his Consumer Small Business Grant from the ACT Mental Health Consumer Network CEO Dalane Drexler, Collective Wisdom Coaching and Consulting CEO Mel Greenhalgh and the ACT Mental Health Minister Emma Davidson MLA.


Reality in a world of fantasy

An unexpected career opportunity arose at Specsavers Woden (Finalists in the 2023 ACT Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards) after a simple conversation with his optometrist about his business venture. Liam’s position of Welcome Person is permanent part time with no subsidies, so he has the same benefits as the rest of his colleagues with superannuation, leave entitlements and training. This is a step in the right direction for inclusive employment and recognises the contributions of individuals like Liam in the workforce. 

In his downtime (what downtime?), Liam really enjoys the role play of Dungeons and Dragons and is part of a group funded by the NDIS that is specifically designed for people with autism. This is a social space where he can enjoy interaction and express his creativity in a supportive environment. Liam was also approved for a transport allowance to participate in social activities he loves. 

Liam’s drive and boundless creativity have carved a distinctive path in the world of science fiction and fantasy novels, showcasing his storytelling talents. With a future as bold as his illustrations, he’s set to continue captivating audiences with his imaginative works and entrepreneurial spirit. 

Next time you’re at a Comic book convention, be on the lookout for Liam, grab yourself one of his novel’s and be sure to get his autograph…it could be worth something one day.  


We’re ready and waiting to help you craft your own unique and extraordinary NDIS narrative, where every goal is a new adventure waiting to be explored.  

Our focus is on collaborating closely with you, just like we did with Liam, to empower you with the support you need to champion your own cause. By doing so, you can lead a life that’s as vibrant and fulfilling as Liam’s journey has been. Whatever your version of a bolder life entails, we’re here to help make it a reality. Call us to start your journey now on 1300 986 970 or click here. 



At the Handmade Market with owner Julie


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