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Mother holding newborn baby and husband with arm around his wife

Extra paid parental leave & entitlements at Feros Care

Starting or expanding your family is an extremely exciting time and at Feros Care, we’re committed to supporting you during pregnancy, adoption, and new parenthood. This includes while you are still at work, when you take time off to care for your newest family member, and when you transition back into the workforce.

One of the ways we go above and beyond is offering extra paid parental leave and entitlements to employees, on top of the standard Australian Government Paid Parental Leave Scheme.

Paid parental leave is invaluable for both the primary and secondary carer, as it allows time to bond with your precious baby. It also provides an adjustment period to help you settle into your new way of life, without worrying about work or income.

When this leave is extended, you have more time to savour those irreplaceable early days and nurture the unique connection with your bundle of joy.

27 weeks vs 18 weeks for primary carers

Under the current government scheme, eligible full time, part time, and casual employees are entitled to 18 weeks paid parental leave as the baby’s primary carer.

Eligible Feros Care employees, however, receive an additional 9 weeks of paid parental leave on top of the government’s allocation, providing a combined total of 27 weeks paid leave.

Team member and mum Tash says the extra time was invaluable when she had her baby, and a huge benefit of working at Feros.

“I loved that I could access this benefit at half pay, stretching my total paid leave period out to 36 weeks. I spent more time with my baby without the financial woes”.

4 weeks versus 2 weeks for secondary carers

Partners or secondary carers who meet the government’s eligibility criteria can access 2 weeks of government funded Dad and Partner Pay.

As it is also paramount for secondary carers to experience as much time as possible with their newly expanded family, eligible Feros employees receive another 2 weeks of paid partner leave. This brings their combined total leave allowance to 4 weeks.

When his wife fell pregnant, Feros employee Ben was thrilled to learn about the extra leave entitlement.

“It’s hugely beneficial for stress levels, as you worry less about finances, make the most of the experience, and really enjoy the early stages of being a dad”.

Extra support during pregnancy

The emphasis on supporting family starts right from the time a Feros team member finds out they are expecting.

Temporary adjustments can help make the work environment more comfortable during pregnancy, such as reduced or more flexible hours, changes to any physical requirements, or workstation modifications.

“Welcome back!”

Another priority is creating a smooth transition back into the workforce. New parents are encouraged to contact their child’s carer for reassurance that he/she is okay, plus support is available for breastfeeding and/or expressing.

In addition, our management team regularly check in to see how new mums and dads are coping physically, mentally, and emotionally.

New mum and Feros employee Carly was delighted that Feros superiors supported her decision to return to work 3 days a week…and then promoted her.

“Within 6 months of returning, I won a new position as Assistant Manager. If that’s not empowering women retuning to the workplace after becoming a parent, I don’t know what is!”

Our Paid Parental Leave entitlements are reflective of the business’ ethos and commitment to our employees. What’s important to you is important to us so at Feros, family comes first.

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