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Ninety year-old woman smiling at the camera

Feeling unsteady on your feet? Regain strength and mobility to perform daily activities with confidence

Anne’s ‘Mobility Makeover’ with Feros Care Exercise Physiologist Danielle

As one of nine growing up on a farm, the instantly lovable Anne has always been on the go. Nowadays, approaching 91- years- young and still full of life, her health issues have slowed her down physically. Most notably, poor balance and loss of muscle strength have affected her mobility, whether it be getting out and about for a walk with her close friend, or moving around the house for basic day-to-day tasks.

After her walking buddy – who used to work in aged care – noticed that she was suddenly “shuffling”, Anne decided to seek extra support from the Allied Health services available through Feros Care.

And support she found in the form of ever-popular Feros Care Exercise Physiologist, Danielle. Since working with Danielle, the delightful and effervescent Anne has seen vast improvements in her mobility, helping her get back to doing the things she loves and empowering her to continue living independently.

Poor balance and mobility: Unpacked by a pro

To kick things off, we went straight to the big guns (aka, Exercise Physiologist Danielle) to provide the need-to-know facts about all things balance and mobility.

“Often poor balance is associated with both reduced mobility of joints and reduced muscle strength,” she says.

“Reduced mobility and strength prevent older people from having the correct posture or biomechanics (movements) in everyday activities, such as hanging clothes on a clothesline, carrying something whilst walking, picking something up, or reaching in the back of a cupboard and then turning around.”

She explains further; “If you are restricted in your movements and weak in your muscles, your body will not be able to move how it needs to maintain balance in the movement. So, a compromised movement then leads to a reduced balance in the movement.”

How Danielle is turning back the clock with Anne

Enjoying weekly visits with Anne, Danielle has created a personalised plan with some very easy strength and flexibility exercises. Some of these are completed with Danielle, and others in Anne’s spare time, every one or two days.

“I look forward to her visits and doing the exercises. She’s very pleasant and she puts up with me!” says a smiling Anne with her signature sense of fun.

“I have a dicey knee and everything is full of arthritis, so I can’t do exercises where I’m sitting down with pressure on my lower back, and she works around that.”

Anne continues; “She has me walking around the cupboards, stretching, walking sideways, and even tasked me with something I was a bit dubious about at first; walking backward – with one finger on the kitchen bench for support.”

But, with a bit of practice and ongoing guidance from Danielle, Anne has taken this in her stride and now completes the task – without a finger on the bench – like a pro.

This improvement in balance has allowed Anne to move on to strength-building exercises and in turn, helped pave the way for other wellbeing goals to be achieved.

To learn more about the Feros Care services that could help you stay independent for longer, click here or call 1300 418 418.