Aged Care
In the lead-up to Anzac Day, one of our most important national occasions, our residents at both Wommin Bay and Bangalow Villages gathered for a special service to remember the brave men and women who served our country. It was a time for everyone to come together and pay their heartfelt respects to our heroes, past and present.
Prahb’s episode of SMASHING! celebrates her unique journey and how her culture enriches her work and the lives of those she cares for. It’s another example of how diversity, passion, and personal stories are not just welcomed but celebrated at Feros Care. Prahb, with her engaging personality, her love for food and family, and her commitment to her clients, perfectly embodies the spirit of what makes Feros Care different.
Paulette is actively changing perceptions about aged care. When Paulette tells people she’s still working in physiotherapy at 81 they have their doubts. “I find the first misconception is, she’s old, and therefore she’s frail. Followed by she’s old, therefore she can’t be with it,” Paulette reveals. Paulette’s story has been brought to life in Feros Care’s groundbreaking new documentary series, SMASHING!
Easter is just around the corner, which means we can expect an influx of traditional faves like chocolate, hot cross buns, and fish and chips. As these three Easter ‘staples’ can have nasty implications for people with diabetes, poor heart health, and other health conditions, here are some delicious alternatives so that you can still indulge in the joys of the season!
Softly spoken, sweet-natured, and truly dedicated to her work, it’s undeniable that Deepa Shrestha is an asset to the residents and her colleagues at Feros Care’s Wommin Bay Residential Village.
Her story from arriving in Australia in 2017 with no formal qualifications to becoming Clinical Manager at Wommin Bay is an inspiring one. Fostering special connections with the residents who have become like family, Deepa personifies why Wommin Bay is a haven for happy, holistic, and bold ageing.
Not many people can say they’ve ‘worked’ with the same person for over 15 years, but Marion Fleming can. And what’s more, she’s never looked back.
A respected and popular Feros Care Community Support Worker, Marion spends her days doing what she loves; helping aged care clients, including the unstoppable Daisy. 95 years young, full of life, and as sharp as a tack, it’s not hard to see how this lovable ‘pocket rocket’ has inspired Marion to stick around for a decade and a half.